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The 3 layer polyethylene coating (3LPE) is a multilayer coating composed of three functional components
This provides an excellent corrosion protection and mechanical protection for oil and gas pipelines at operating temperature up to 80oC.
The 3LPE System achieves superior long term corrosion resistance and excellent mechanical protection for small and large diameter pipelines operating at high temperature .This is due to strong adhesion of FBE to steel and the tough outer layer of high density polyethylene. The 3LPE system can be applied in a various range of thicknesses to meet project specifications and requirements.
The three coating layers in 3-LPE coated pipe are as below.
3LPE pipes are manufactured according to the following standards:
Corrosion Resistance
Long Working Life
High Bond Strength
Customized Solutions
Mechanical Protection
3LPE coated steel pipes are used in the following applications where the pipes are either buried or submerged: