Welcome to Metalife Solutions

Innovation & Technology

Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant!!

Adopting change is an intrinsic part of our business. We believe in consistently obtaining cutting edge in the market through early adoption of modern state of art automation using R&D and successful implementation of environment friendly process improvements.

A. External 3LPE & Internal FBE in one pass …

We have Indigenously developed coating & lining technology of application of Internal FBE (Powder) & External 3LPE Coating under simultaneous operation. It has been successfully applied and delivered for drinking water pipeline of 46” line size.

B. CLEAN INDIA. GREEN INDIA. Our Small Contribution…

As part of our commitment & resolve to support Indian government’s “CLEAN INDIA GREEN INDIA” mission, we are consistently exploring options to implement Environment Friendly Process Improvements.

Surface Preparation using Blasting process forms a very critical function of our Operations. As part of this process improvement initiative, we have introduced Airless Blasting Automatic machine with dust collector in our facility to curtail the dust emissions to environment. This is helping the environment as well as the well-being of our workers in our facility.

C. Always striving for Better Quality & Durability Using Technology...

Developed specialized coating in association with M/s. Kansai Nerolac based on patent developed by IIT-Roorkee using IP Net Technology for Metro Rail Application. It is 1st of its kind used in India for Metro Rail. We have successfully painted sections covering ̴ 225,000 SQ.M. of Nagpur Metro Rail & ̴ 40,000 SQ.M of Pune Metro Rail using this specialized coating.

This coating is developed for all weather protection specially for Indian Metro Rail and has 5-year warranty for its gloss and finish.

D. We pledge Zero Tolerance towards Work Safety…

We always treat WORK SAFETY as our Priority No 1 and ensure to make work environment safe and free of any accidents or injuries. We strongly believe workers are more satisfied, motivated and productive in such an environment.

As part of this safety pledge, we are the 1st Company to paint Bridges with mechanical equipment like Boom Lift & Scissor Lift aimed at workers’ safety while working from heights.

Taking positive cue from this safe practice, it was implemented as a good & necessary safety requirement for all future bridges tendered by government agencies under their jurisdiction.

E. CENTURY Completed … Another feather in our cap...

As part of our consistent endeavour to scale new heights, we have achieved another feat. We have successfully completed External 3LPE and Internal FBE Coating of 100” Drinking Water Pipeline at Client Site.

We have set- up replica of our coating facility with all requisite coating equipment at Client's premises. Client's scope is limited to provision of Covered Shed, Power & Water.